How Your Identity As A Chronic Illness Warrior Affects Your Business Growth | She's Crafted To...

If you're feeling the overwhelming frustration and disappointment of repeatedly taking action towards your entrepreneurial goals, only to be met with frustration and feeling, here's another way my chronic illness has taken something from me, then you are not alone, and In this episode is for YOU! I share my insights on overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors and cultivating self-compassion. I help entrepreneurs identify and address any self-sabotaging behaviors that hold them back from success. In this podcast, I share the importance of identifying the aspects of oneself that cause negative self-beliefs and self-destructive patterns for those of us living with chronic illness. By recognizing these negative beliefs, entrepreneurs can take the necessary steps to overcome self-sabotage and achieve their goals. I also emphasize the need for self-compassion and self-care, as these habits can help entrepreneurs maintain a positive mindset and achieve long-term success.

In this episode, you will be able to:
Grasp the significance of the four chronic illness identity states and their impact on our lives. Tackle self-sabotaging behaviors that affect your life and business success. Discover the 5% rule to reframe thoughts and actions to concentrate on in all aspects of your life. Embrace the wholeness of your identity, integrating every facet of your being. Support the show (
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