April 3, 2020

How To Approach Your Health & Business Holistically

How To Approach Your Health & Business Holistically
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There’s a foundation to creating a thriving business and it starts with a healthy version of both body, mind and lifestyle. That’s why I am so excited to have Angel Scott on She's Crafted To Thrive Podcast. She’s a nationally Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist, and Lifestyle Expert. Having lived a very active lifestyle her whole life, Angel was kind of taken by surprise with an Autoimmune disease diagnosis in 2016. Looking back she realized she excused away a few red flags that could have alerted her to act sooner. With a new perspective on her health, the focus was not just on nutrition and movement but now more than ever, lifestyle. This made her take a hard look at her friends, family, business clients, and everything in-between. If they were not healthy vibes, they had to go. With over 90% of illnesses caused by stress, Angel got inspired to make the changes needed to adjust to her new reality.

She’s on a mission to show women that lifestyle directly affects our health. She wants people to know that what we look like is not direct representation health. So tune in if you want to hear the 3 symptoms that Angel dismissed at first, that were key to her Graves disease diagnoses and learn how she’s approaching her health and business holistically.

Visit: www.shescrafted.com 

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Subscribe to the Chronically Profitable: The Flare-Proof Path to $100K, An exclusive series delivered as an email or a podcast episode that helps service-based creatives and coaches living with chronic illnesses to have a simple sales strategy that works without waiting to be flare-free & while you’re healing.